Comparing TypeORM, Sequelize, and Objection.js with Knex.js for Node.js Projects

A comparison of TypeORM, Sequelize, and Objection.js with Knex.js for Node.js projects, focusing on maintainability, performance, and readability.

Setting Up TypeORM with Apollo Federation

Learn how to set up a Node.js project using TypeORM and Apollo Federation to build a scalable and performant GraphQL API.

Migrating from Ruby 2.7 to Ruby 3.x: New Features and Enhancements

Explore the new features and enhancements in Ruby 3.x that make it a powerful upgrade from Ruby 2.7. Learn about improved performance, new syntax, enhanced concurrency, and more.

Testing HTTP Interactions with the VCR Gem in Ruby

Learn how to use the VCR gem in Ruby to record and replay HTTP interactions for faster, more deterministic tests.

Setting Up a Global .gitignore File

Setting up a global `.gitignore` file allows you to define ignore patterns for files and directories that are common across all your Git repositories. This guide walks you through the steps to create and configure a global `.gitignore` file, helping you keep your project-specific `.gitignore` files clean and focused.

How to Write DRY and Maintainable Tests with RSpec

Learn how to write clean and maintainable tests in RSpec by using shared examples, `it_behaves_like`, `subject`, and `before` hooks. This guide provides practical examples and best practices to help you keep your test suite DRY and effective.

Mastering FactoryBot: Defining and Modifying Factories

Learn how to define and modify factories with FactoryBot to create flexible and maintainable test data for your Ruby applications. This guide covers the basics and provides practical examples.

Node and Ruby Versions to Your Terminal Prompt

Learn how to customize your terminal prompt to display Node.js and Ruby versions with Oh My Zsh.

React's useCallback Equivalent in Nuxt

In Vue (and thus Nuxt), the need for `useCallback` is less common due to Vue's reactivity system, but you can achieve similar behavior using the `computed` function for memoized data or methods for memoized functions.

React to Nuxt Migration Guide

Migrating from React to Nuxt (a Vue.js framework) involves understanding the equivalent concepts and patterns in Vue.js. Here is a quick migration guide that maps React concepts to their counterparts in Nuxt